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Being Selfish: A Good Idea

Writer's picture: Maribeth Lots to Say!Maribeth Lots to Say!

I believed that being selfish meant caring about no one else but yourself. I know there are people in the world who are like that; however, I have learned that being selfish gives me what I need to be a better person; thus, I have more time and energy for everything and every one else!

Whether everyday life involves a full-time job, an at home business that is 24/7, or dropping off, picking up, scheduling, buying, attending something, then cooking dinner and finding time for yourself seems like an impossibility, read on. I realized that the me part made the rest of life what it should be: a beautiful experience.

I spent years feeling frustrated because I didn't have a plan that included any time for myself. And once I decided to plan my days and, more importantly, my future, I'm became (okay am becoming) a different person. I promise my children like me more. I like myself MUCH more, and life looks both predictable (because of the goals I've set) and adventurous (because I CAN BE).

If you feel that everyday life isn't a satisfying experience, you will spread your angst around to everyone you, friends, colleagues, customers. Eventually, the people in your life may not be around as much and that will make you feel worse.

Here is what I did: I moved to city that has more to offer me. I committed to self-publishing my books by the end of 2017. And I made plans for the future. What I want to do and by when. I set a date of November 1st to launch my website, and I did. My next goal is to publish my book and I am in the process of doing that. The first release date of a four part series is December 1st. (Look for it at the Kindle Store!) I wanted to meet people that made me a better person. I took a fiction writing class in October and learned how much more I need to know. I joined a networking group instead of a writing or book group because I needed to step out of my comfort zone. The group has given me the confidence to go beyond the resources I have there. I feel great, and it shows.

Every day, I find time to read or browse the web. I've updated my social media presence to help with my book promotion, so I tweet and pin and check out my Facebook page everyday. I took a break from work yesterday to get a haircut. Because I can. Those are the ways I enjoy activities for myself. I don't write a schedule for when I take breaks, but if you believe you can't have time for yourself, think about writing it in to your daily calendar. Do what you need to do to make the time for your breaks.

Taking care of me has made being there for others a joy again. That's why I needed to get selfish. Decide what it is that makes you happy, and if you find that you don't feel that way right now, sit down and make a plan...for the day and for the future. Your selfishness will be the greatest gift you've given ever! Peace. Maribeth

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